Sunday, October 31, 2010

Another Post kind of About Surfing

Late April 2010- This was the last day I put on a wet-suit (for many of you, you have never put on a wet suit, for the sentimental stuff read after the pic). This day however, was full of me leaning over the rail of a dive boat with sea sickness in relatively choppy seas. I can even remember the last time I put on a wet suit for surfing. It was early March this year and South Florida is suffering, yes suffering, from one of it's coldest days of the year. I put on a wet suit to surf. But that was just one day this year. Just one day. And many surfers probably disagree with me now thinking that cold water is the worst. And yes, after a long winter that first session in just board shorts is pretty amazing.

Don't get me wrong, I love tropical weather. I love that when February roles around, I will be in Miami still able to drink mojitos outside. However, Ive been In Miami since June. Only Five times in that period have I slept somewhere other than my own bed. I want a little change of pace. I a wet suit is just what I need.

I'm going home in just over a month. Stoked. But there's more to home than home and surfing cold water. What putting on a wet suit means to me is memories. A solid group of people to share waves with, not fight over. It also means catching up with family and friends, fire place fires, and rest. It also means slow.
I pitched an idea at work that we should talk about cities (their good and bad traits, and what we can do to make them better)for the lab in which I teach. In that lab we would measure noise pollution as a function of the city (FYI, this idea was shot down by the suit, even though it had some support con mi clollegas). But I got the ideas from sitting every morning on my balcony, as I am right now, and am just amazed how much noise cars on pavement can make. It gets rather ridiculous. But I know that when I'm at home, I won't have to deal with it. I know that I can wake up and sit on Chad's back patio and reflect. I know that I can go romp around forty acres and not worry about getting hit by a car. I know that when I go to the store, go to school, go to a restaurant, get gas, or stop at a red light I won't be hounded for money. If I have to wear a wet suit for a little rest, so be it. A little change is good.

Note: Be sure to check back in January when I write about how I hate the cold


  1. I have such different and unpleasant memories of wetsuits. Back when I was a youngin' I was the skinny kid at swim practice who had to wear one once 5am summer practices started because I severly lack body fat and the pool severly lacked a reasonable heating system.

    Also, armpit chafing.

    Nope, no pleasant memories. Glad you have some.

  2. The back patio's pretty sweet, but the garage is where it's at. Hurry home.
