Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Of Course Miami Made the List

Worst road rage in the US

1 comment:

  1. My idea is to make Miami less easily navigable. I genuinely 90% of the time in Seattle have no idea how to get where I'm trying to go, with or without directions. My friend and I both live on Aves that intersect with NE 85th St, so you'd think that I should just be able to walk or drive down the street to get there... nope definitely not, I actually have to get on a highway that goes north in order to head west to get there.

    Yet Seattle drivers are SO amazingly polite. I think it's because no one else knows where they're going either. In Miami, save a few weird areas downtown, it's pretty easy to figure out how to get from place to place yet everyone seems to hate everyone else on the road. I'm thinking South Floridians are spoiled perhaps.
