I invite you. Go up to the top of my page and there is a little button that says "Next Blog". When your done reading this post click on on it. Or don't. Let me save you some trouble. What it will do is send you to a random blog. I don't know whose or what you may find there but let me generalize everything for you. It more than likely going to be a family showing the world how great they are. More than likely there is a picture of a baby somewhere on it. And the blog is aptly named for the adventures that kid and the Golden Retriever (that is so upset that it has to share it's owners with a baby) of the family go on. Further still, there is probably some type of red sweater and fall foliage mixed in there somewhere. All the doings of the 'rents. They have opened their world up to us. And that's fine, for them. But please don't get upset if I don't care. But I might. Let me move to another example before I make my point.
My roommates told me about this girl that has visited the apartment and wanted to meet me. Well my roommate told me that she was coming over and told me I should come out on the balcony and talk. First off, I've never 'talked' with them before. Mostly because I find talking to stoned people about as productive as how the Flintstone's car should be in real life, if physics were real in Bedrock. We have ZERO in common. Nothing in all. And, I know enough that if we were to have a conversation, that I would cement my conclusion that we have nothing in common. Which, brings me back.
I had no interest in meeting this girl. Why would I? Yo tango una Cubanita. But my roommate persisted. "Come meet your girl" she would say.
And I thought, "why does she keep pushing her off to me?" "Why do middle age women of a certain demographic feel as if I just have to see their children?"
I don't know.
My end point is this. Please put your ideas out there. I encourage it. But the moment it turns into these ideas are the right ones and if you don't agree then you are a... then there is a problem. If you don't exalt my kids, you're just crazy or "what's wrong with you, why don't you want to hang out with my friend?"
Sometimes it all just doesn't matter to everyone all the time.
Bloggers note: I believe this post to be one of my worst. I've seemed to misplaced my good posts. Maybe when I go home in two weeks I'll find them. Like last year. Nothing's really coming out the way I want lately.
I clicked the "next blog" button and was shown a woman's blog who wrote in detail about how she saw a squirrel in a median, the squirrel jumped out and made a harrowing dash across 3 lanes only to be clipped leaving the highway. She then summarized her emotions with a narration consisting of SEVEN extended bullets this run-in with wildlife had on her psyche.
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