"Hi", she said. "Welcome to Starbucks. What can I get for you"
"Hi, I want want something cold, and the rest is up to you"
This seemed to be a welcomed challenge to her, and she gladly accepted. The only stipulation is that it had to be 'coffee'. I don't trust Starbucks in the first place, let alone trusting them with a fruit type drink. She confirmed the size and then it was on. She spoke in that complicated Starbucks language which I have fiercely opposed to learning.
So, by the sugar, cinnamon, and half and half I waited, dissecting the menu, anticipating, and guessing ever so logically as to what could possibly be my drink. But then a realization came over me. What did I get? I mean how will I know when my 'coffee' has been prepared? As each preceding customer gladly and ignorantly accepted their 'coffee', I became increasingly aware of this problem. And then it hit me. They wrote my name on the cup......that's how I will know.
Well as you can see by the picture, they called out Rex. Good job cashier girl. She must have bee so excited to chose my 'coffee' that she became the first person in my nearly 25 years to mispronounce my name as Rex. Well at least I hope so because, as no one claimed the 'coffee' and people in line were franticly searching for that guy and had this "Who's delicious chilled drink is on the counter? We want you to enjoy this so bad" look on their faces, I just took it.
To tell you the truth, it wasn't terrible, but I have no idea what it was. All it has is 'syrup' and 'drink' checked on the back. I think it's made with soy also........
I'm just glad they didn't put any of that pumpkin stuff in it.........
grande iced vanilla chai latte - boom, no problem.