Miami will play a game of bait and switch with you if you're not careful. But Miami is sneaky, it baits you for a long time and then makes a gradual slow switch. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should. I'm talking about orange juice of course. You can get fresh squeezed orange juice almost anywhere down here. You can watch the oranges drop into the pulverizer, be pulverized, and watch as your very kind orange juice bringer brings you a delicious jugo de naranja sin heilo, unpasteurized, not from concentrate goodness. I found myself wanting this more and more, but I can't afford it. At the price of three oranges, I can by a can of frozen concentrate. But really, I cant do that, it doesn't taste like oranges. There is 10 ft tall orange tree at Home Depot that I swear says, "Brett, buy me. Look how many flowers and baby oranges I have on my branches. Take Me home and you can have all the oranges you want." And then I remind him and her (it's a monecious plant), "you are too big for my balcony and you won't get enough sunlight." And then we agree that it would be best just to leave him and her (because it's a monecious plant) there. Sad day.
Left is the last of my oranges.....three tiny Hamlins squeezed for breakfast tomorrow. I'm just a poor grad student. So if you have an orange tree, or access to one I will be more than happy to come pick some for you. Oh, and on another note my bike exploded today. I didn't know bikes could explode. So I'm back to burning fossil fuels for a while until it gets fixed. Below is video from earlier in the day (pre-explosion). Just one more thing I have to pay for. I'm contemplating authorizing a date moratorium for me and my girlfriend. President Obama said it in his State of the Union that we have to cut spending so.....yeah. She'll understand.
What's the first song?? I really liked it.